Sponsor a Child: Everyone deserves a safe place to learn and grow.
 Your donation to our Sponsor a Child program will help support an individual child by providing:
  • Education and technology resources, spiritual and economic programs
  • Qualified staff to oversee diverse program offerings
  • An evening meal, homework support and tutoring
  • Leadership  skills
  • Recreational activities to development self-confidence and social skills
  • Safe facilities to learn and play.
You can offset costs (Approximately $3500 per student per year) by paying set amounts monthly ($20 minimum) by donating via our Pay Pal donate button on our website home page or donate an annual amount of $250.00 by mailing a check to Lighthouse Academy at Newburg, 5312 Shepherdsville Road, Louisville, KY  40228. Call 502-964-5909 for more information. 

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